Dr. Kool‘s

Where Good Neighbors and Good Servicemen Meet

Payment for Services

If you deal with a Preferred Kontractor (paid advertiser) find his listing, and click on "Profile." In the right hand column toward the bottom will be listed his payment options.

Some repairmen require full payment when the job is done, which makes scheduling more difficult. My customers are usually prompt to pay, so they don't even have to be there. If I expect the bill to be high, I call for authorization before making the repair. I often submit my invoice by mail—sometimes by e-mail.

The entire mission of Word of Mouth Pages is to build trust. When both the Kustomer and contractor register, our report system allows both the repairman and the user to build a record of fair dealings.

Question for the customer: Would you call this provider again? … A good positive record will lead future customers to trust the provider.

Question for the contractor: Did this customer pay on time? Did he pay? … Future providers will trust a customer who has a good record for payment.

Let me summarize: Both the customer and contractor should register. When the job is finished and paid for, the Kustomer should file an online report. The contractor is encouraged to add his response to that report. (A registered contractor will be notified by e-mail when a report has been written on one of his jobs.)

I recently bought a used car from a dealer 1200 miles away. It started with eBay—I read his business statement. He had a 100% rating based on 382 transactions. I read his feedback comments, and decided I could trust him. I lost the bid on eBay, but he had another car that suited me.

Trust! That's how I do business.

It's a Kool Kommodity,

Dr. Kool signature

Dr. Kool

Socialism 101: Never waste a good crisis.Hillary Rodham Clinton
Good For The Soul: Confession is good for the soul, but hard on the reputation.Merle Krafthefer
Kool Kommunity: Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:4
Winning: It's really hard to win an argument when you're wrong.Dr Kool
Going for Broke: The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money.Margaret Thatcher
Doing The Right Thing: You can always count on Americans to do the right thing--after they've tried everything else.Winston Churchill
Are You Ready? Therefore be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh.Jesus
Mt. 24:44 KJV
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do, you're misinformed.Mark Twain
Blessings: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.Sir Winston Churchill
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